Drafting of PPP legislation in Pskov Region
By agreement with the Pskov regional authorities, the firm of Kachkin & Partners is heavily engaged in the development of draft regulatory acts on the subject of PPP (including concession agreements).
The scope of services being provided also includes legal support for a review of documents at the concerned departments, making amendments and additions where necessary.
The result of this work will be the creation of a new legal framework that complies with the requirements of the new RF Federal Law on PPP and is essential for the efficient implementation of PPP projects in the region.

Managing Partner
Head of Infrastructure and PPP Practice
Head of Joint Department at HSE University in Saint Petersburg

Managing Partner
Head of Infrastructure and PPP Practice
Head of Joint Department at HSE University in Saint Petersburg
- Legal support for an investor at the stage of preparing a proposal on a PPP project in the field of medicine
- Legal support of the largest PPP project in the field of public transport in Russia — building and operating a tram network with total investment of about RUB 26 billion.
- Legal support for two projects involving the creation of swimming pools in Leningrad Region, implemented on the basis of private concession initiative
- Development of a concept for the creation of an Innovational medical cluster in the Caucasian Mineral Waters Region spanning a total area of several tens of thousands sq km and an action plan for its implementation
- Legal support in preparing the private investor’s proposal on implementing a concession project in the field of medicine
- Support of conclusion of concession agreements on hotels construction in the frames of private initiative procedure in favour of private investors
- Legal support for a project involving reconstruction and operation of the Leningrad Regional Medical Rehabilitation Center in Leningrad Region on the basis of PPP
- Drafting of PPP legislation in Pskov Region
- Legal support for the participant in a tender for the right to conclude a concession agreement on highway construction
- Support of real property buyout in respect to the St. Petersburg Ring Road construction
- Legal study of prospects for the entry into economic circulation of the Peterhof State Museum-Reserve “Ropshinsky Palace” on public-private partnership terms
- Joint work aimed at ensuring constructive interaction between government agencies, business and public organizations and support for interregional investment projects implemented on the basis of PPP
- Preparation of the Concept for the implementation of an investment project involving the construction and operation of a social-services facility on the basis of PPP
- Formulation of legal arguments for the implementation of a recreational project on the basis of PPP
- Support for a project involving the design, construction, operation and maintenance of road infrastructure in Moscow Region
- Advising the Lipetsk region public authorities on the regional legislation improvement
- Advising the Slantsevsky municipal district’s governing bodies within the stadium construction project with the PPP mechanism application
- Advising the Slantsevsky municipal district’s governing bodies on the improvement of municipal legal and regulatory framework
- Legal advice to KIT Finance holdings on construction of chain of boarding houses with medical treatment for elderly people
- Legal support to the project on creation a large landscape and leisure park located in the Moscow region
- Advising a large food manufacturer in frameworks of acquiring state co-funding to a project to be fulfilled in Volga region (factory erection)
- Anti-corruption expertise of the existing laws and draft laws and subordinate acts of the Republic of Tatarstan (Volga Federal District of the Russian Federation)
- Advising the government of the Leningrad region on the review of regional PPP legislation
- Expert review and development of recommendations on improvement of draft law on Public Private Partnership of Sakha Republic (Yakutia)
- Advising on a PPP project involving comprehensive repair of the city lightning networks fulfilled in one of Ural region major cities
- Comprehensive support for a project involving the creation of a “Regional Medical Rehabilitation Center” in Leningrad Region on the basis of PPP
- Participation in expert review and development of the draft federal law on PPP of the Russian Federation
- Expert review of draft law on Public Private Partnership of Udmurt Republic (Volga Federal District of the Russian Federation)
- Legal support of a PPP project on water utilities
- Advising the City of St. Petersburg authorities on the PPP project implementation